About Allied Vision: Founded in 1989, Allied Vision designs, produces and sells cameras and components for image processing in industrial and life science applications. Allied Vision is at your side throughout the life cycle of your image-processing project. Our specialists provide expert advice, engineering, manufacturing and support for digital cameras, their peripherals and their integration into your machine vision system.
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PDF - InThePool2.0 Case Study (600 KB)
12 Mako cameras monitoring 8 lanes capture and analyze every stroke of the FINA World Swimming Championships.

The FINA 2013 World Swimming Championships in Barcelona, Spain was the stage for both the world’s elite swimmers and an elite image processing system—InThePool 2.0. The system uses Allied Vision’s Mako G-125C camera to capture and analyze extremely precise images of each athlete’s swim down to a specific stroke in near real time.

If you would like to find out how the Mako camera can help you and your application, please tell us a little about yourself and your application, and one of our sales experts will get in touch with you.
Find out more about the Mako camera